The main eye emergencies

Infectious conjunctivitis

Infectious conjunctivitis is a common disease. Bacterial or viral, plain or bi lateral.

Chalazions and Styes

It is a cyst that develops at the expense of the meibomian glands, contained in the thickness of the eyelids.

Corneal abscess

Corneal abscesses are pathologies that require urgent treatment so as not to risk losing your sight.

Retinal detachment

You see floaters (myodesopsias), flash light (phosphenes) or have a black veil, or even a decrease in visual acuity.

Subjunctival hemorrhages

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is bleeding from the conjunctiva. It occurs during shock, high blood pressure or taking anticoagulants


Keratitis is a condition of the cornea, which can be caused by infection with the herpes virus

Eye trauma

Black eye. You have received a hit at work, in a sporting setting, you have been assaulted, victim of an accident, you have received a projectile or any other causse.

Ophthalmic migraines

You have had a vision disorder (glittering scotoma) followed by severe headaches (headaches). You may have ophthalmic migraine.


Allergies can affect the eyes, causing discomfort and severe itching.

Eye burns and projections

Chemical burns, heat burns, caustic burns, foreign bodies.


You see the straight wavy lines (metamorphopsia), the center of vision looks cloudy, you may have age-related macular degeneration.